Definitions – Tabla (Basic Theory)

Basic Definitions in Tabla Learning

Here we have tried & explained basic definitions of various terms used while learning Tabla. Especially for students who are not familiar with particular words in Hindi or Marathi.

Sangeet (Music) : A melodious piece of art that has a cultural value of Indian Classical base, also a supreme art form which comprises of Vocal, Instrument Playing, Dance and entertains audience is called as ‘Music’.

Sam (pronounced as SUM): First beat of a Taal is called as ‘Sam’. Symbol – X

Khaali / Kaal : First beat of particular part of a taal that is shown by moving hand away from the body is called ‘Khaali’ or ‘Kaal’. Symbol – 0

Maatra : A tool to measure Taal or Rhythm is called as Maatra. Maatras are indicated by numbers in Taal. Distance between two maatras should be same.

Taal : Group of beats (maatras) which are separated and placed in particular fashion by parts, khaali, taali, sam on certain beats is called as ‘Taal’. It is also called as measurement of Music art form which comprises of Vocal, Instrument Playing and Dance.

Taali : Clapping while reciting or counting Taal beats is called Taali.

Vibhaag / Khand (Part) : Taal is created by group of Maatras (beats) which is separated by Sam, Khaali, Taali (clap) those groups are called as ‘Vibhaag’ / ‘Khand’ (part)

Dugun : Counting or playing two beats in one beat duration is called ‘Dugun’.

Tigun : Counting or playing three beats in one beat duration is called ‘Tigun’.

Chaugun : Counting or playing four beats in one beat duration is called ‘Chaugun’.

Aavartan (Cycle) : Counting or playing entire Taal from first beat to last beat is called one ‘Aavartan’. It is referred as cycle.

Naad : It is a sound wave that generates from any substance which is produced after vibration.


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