

– Manasi Upendra Vaidya / Article /

Once my Yoga Guru told me that, “life is a journey from silence to silence.”
It was a surprise for me, but when he explained, I was convinced. As rightly said by him, when in mother’s womb, we are silent and when we are no more we are silent. So true is this. The journey between the two silence is the life which we live.

He also said, “One should know the meaning of before, now and then. Whatever is gone is past. Whatever is going on at present is now and whatever is to come is future and what will happen then… we are really unaware. So live now and in present.”

How to make it healthy, blissful and happy, is in your own hands. Leave Ego, surrender and cultivate habit of witnessing the things going around. Modesty that is ‘Vinamra Bhav’ and witnessing is ‘Sakshibhav’ are the keys that will open the beautiful path of Meditation. In addition to this, if one can be level headed that is ‘Sthitpradnya’ then the life is the blissful journey.

Today is international Yoga Day. Thanks to my Yoga Guru who made me realise how to make the life beautiful and blissful.


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