Bengali Writer Bimal Kar

Bengali Novel Writer Bimal Kar

Eminent Bengali Novel & Detective Stories Writer Bimal Kar. The special ability of Kar was that he had many completely different narration styles. For example, he has written superb stories without any dialogue, and he has also written noteworthy ones almost entirely comprising dialogue.

He was involved in myriad professions that later helped him write on varied subjects. His writings reflect a modern mind and have inspired many young writers whom he also supported at the start of their literary careers. For children, He created the retired magician Kinkar Kishore Ray, alias Kikira who solved mysteries with his two assistants. He created another detective character called Victor. He introduced a new trend in Bengali short stories with his lucid language. He could win over the heart of the average reader of Bengali literature with his ability to craft characters and the fine art of storytelling.


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